Meeting Minutes (Feb. 24, 2022)

Tin Lizzies of Albuquerque Monthly Meeting Minutes


Call meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. 

Pledge of Allegiance

Welcome any new members and guests – made note of a few faces we have not seen in a while (Paul Beck, Stan & Janice, Bob & Liz). No new members but Paul Beck said he could join again….

Officers Present: Mark D, Vaughn, Kirk & Linda

Board of Directors Present: Jeff, Mark W & Phil 

Minutes from the January meeting were approved as published

Officer Reports:

President Mark welcomed 23 members in attendance and 2 members attending via ZOOM (Kameron & Jim Glover) with quorum established. 

Vice President Vaughn informed the members present that there will be a 50 – 50 raffle (ticket .50 each) and if possible to use small bills. At the end of the night Vaughn stated a total of $35 was collected from the raffle with Jessica receiving half $17.50 courtesy of Liz drawing the winning number. Vaughn made mention that the tour books which AAA Travel made available are going online.  Maps are still available.

Secretary Linda nothing to report. Do not have PO key therefore cannot check for correspondence.  The key that Dave had is missing so we may just be obtaining a duplicate one.

Treasurer Kirk has filed the $10 Annual Corporation Commission fee online 2/23 via e-check. Kirk is currently our Resident Agent and if anyone else wants to take over then let him know.  Also contacted Rachel for our insurance with MTFCA but there was a possible glitch in the database so a membership list will be provided.  Income from last month increased due to raffle $.  

Standing Committee Reports and Volunteer Coordinators

Auditor for 2021 Books Janice Gauna – audit is complete with verification of bank statements, check register, deposits and all supporting documents.  One check from 2021 was not cash until 2022 and an adjustment was made.

Email Jessica Lance – wanted to emphasize the necessity of when replying to an email that we are to reply to the sender themselves and not the Tin Lizzies email when pertaining to Tin Lizzies business.  Links are sent each month for those attending via zoom.

Telephone Linda Riel – currently three (3) people being called. If anyone would like to be called, let me know. 

Newsletter Paul & Marilyn – January/February went out on 2/11 which had a book review, displayed work party pictures, listed our new members and gracing the front cover was Larry’s 1941 Mercury which was sold to Frank Lewark. Next publication will be March/April should be out the first week of April.

Car Council Steve Kranz – not present therefore no report. Mark D reminded us of NM Car Club Swap Meet coming up on 9/24 & 9/25 in Moriarty. 

Hospitality Fran Gurule – (not in attendance) but Linda reported JoAn Armstrong is home & Cathy Miles still in hospital waiting on availability of a room at a rehab facility, encourage members to call Tom.

Librarian Mark & Sharon – let them know if you are interested in anything. See under Roy Young Memorial Library on the Tin Lizzies website. 

Historian Marilyn Duncan – nothing to report.

Quartermaster Larry Azevedo – states currently Neil owes a Bendix, Kirk a manifold, Jim Glover pedals. 

Webmaster Elizabeth – Mark D will reach out to see if she needs help with anything.  Mark W sent Elizabeth an email with the website username and password again. Paul D will step up and mentioned about forming a committee since she does not know a lot of the members yet.

Tour Coordinator – Socorro from September 2020 is tentatively scheduled for September 22 – 25, 2022. Paul will be touching base with Frank Lewark on dates if we are still a go.

T n Vittles – Linda openings for March, May, July, August & November. By the end of the meeting, Stan & Janice had stepped up to cover March (thank you).

Meeting Refreshments – Linda Indicated refreshments for tonight were provided by Mark & Susan and Phil & Jessica with openings for June & October with second spot for March, April, May, June, August, September & October.

State Fair contact – Mark D – nothing to report

Parliamentarian – Paul & Marilyn – nothing to report

Unfinished business – 

Follow-up on previous event – breakfast 2/12 @ Jimmy’s hosted by Mark & Susan # 20 people # 2 T’s. Several people went to the Wing’s new warehouse afterwards with cookies provided. Names thrown out for a name. 

Rich Ford Albuquerque on Saturday March 26 @ 10 am Mustang Café will be open and vendor hot dogs onsite. An email will be sent for a car count on 3/20. Is there a 1922 out there amongst us?

An email was sent regarding a wedding on September 15 (Thursday). They are looking for a T to take them from Old Isidro Church to Los Poblanos Farm.  Mark D will drive and will be confirming the time.  

Work parties Larry – 2/5 Kirk has an engine ready to go back in Buster, Paul had some welding done, Jim has an engine in progress, pour bearings for the main soon and a crank shaft done, hogs head will be complete.  Larry has been working with Frank who bought his Mercury who finally drove it home. Larry will have a rolling chassis soon. Mark D has a new name…” the tire whisperer” because of his great ability for speed of changing out tires.

Tumbleweed Early Ford V-8 Club at the J&R Vintage Auto Museum building on February 1st the guest speaker was, The author of the “Stories of Albuquerque” book. Vaughn attended stating a good group of guys and a lady (could not recall name) explained the “old” families of Albuquerque.

Valencia High School Paul Duncan – spoke with Anthony and says it is slow going. Lots of paperwork involved in ordering parts & materials.  Paul D will assist in ordering what is needed. Perhaps a field trip for the students to visit Larry’s Garage. Tom Miles had donated the 26/27 Touring that the students are working on, and Larry had rebuilt the engine. Mark D donated $50 and has a crank that they can have. Larry asked if an email could be sent out with the list of parts needed and more than likely our members may be able to cover most it not all i.e., hangers for springs & new shackles. Mark W has a steering column, headlights & fenders. Mark W made mention that the HCC had donated $600 but never acknowledged receipt even though asked. Maybe a card in which the students could sign can be sent out. 

Swap Meets –  

Chickasha Pre War Swap Meet March 18th & 19th (Kirk, Mark W and Larry with room in his trailer to haul)

Swap-o-Rama West Coast’s Premiere Brass Era & Pre-War Swap Meet April 23 & 24, 2022. No club interest. 

Model T Ford Club of American Winter Meeting March 25 – 27, 2022 in St Louis, Mo. No one planning on attending.

New business –  

Request for 3 or 4 cars from Thomas Gentry. His grandmother is turning 100 on Sunday March 27, 2022. Pick up in Rio Rancho for 9:45 am at 6359 Roadrunner Loop and driving her and about 11 Family members to the church about 1.5 miles away for 10:30 am.  Mark D will verify if driving family back to house. Drivers will be Mark D, Kirk, Larry & Stan. The family will be making a donation.

Jim Glover’s 2006 Hobby Toy hauler was stolen with thousands of dollars in Model T parts (hoods, running boards radiators, grills, upholstery materials, seat springs, and a 1918 he was working on) was stolen from SE Albuquerque. All with multiple locks in play including having two wheels chained together and blocked in. Paul D provided a picture.  Comment was made about painting your license plate number on top of your enclosed trailer. It was strongly expressed to take caution as to where you park your enclosed trailer and secure it the best you can. FYI back in 2016 there was at least 10,000 car thefts and only two officers working said cases. We have had four of our member’s trailer stolen (1 recovered) and a model t person from our National Tour in 2016 stolen & recovered. 

MTFCA free membership goes to Clyde & Barbara Stanfield. Kirk will be notifying them as well as MTFCA. 

Proposal for new Standing Rule to authorizing Treasurer’s Spending after Adopting Budgets – Marilyn Duncan. After a bit of discussion, Paul made a motion to accept said proposal. There was no second therefore motion died on the table.

Program – For our next meeting of March 24, Larry will go over the cost of a restoration.

Next Month’s Refreshments will be Betty but if someone would like to step up let Linda know.

Tonight’s Program – Mark D told a story on the true cost of a classic car restoration. From zero cost for researching to dinner out, new shoes & outfit, hairdresser, flowers for the wife, redo kitchen, family trip amongst other ancillary items $45,390 sale of vehicle $29,500 and money lost overall $15,890. 

Meeting adjourned 8:03 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Linda Riel, Secretary