Meeting Minutes (Sept. 22, 2022)

Tin Lizzies of Albuquerque Monthly Meeting Minutes


Call meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. 

Pledge of Allegiance

Welcome any new members and guests – None. 

Officers Present: Mark Dominguez, Vaughn Rockafellow, Linda Riel & Kirk Peterson (absent)

Board of Directors Present: Phil Lance (absent), Jeff Richards & Mark Wing  

Minutes from the August meeting were approved as published on our website. 

Officer Reports:   

President Mark Dominguez  welcomed 22 members in attendance with quorum established. Phil & Jessica L attended via Zoom. 

Vice President Vaughn Rockafellow – raffle (tickets .50 each). There were 5 bags of goodies with winners Dave F, Sharon D, Pat W, Larry A, Linda R. The “free” table has goodies for the taking.

Secretary Linda Riel – membership list was available to look at for any corrections. Membership renewal is just around the corner, you can start paying your dues anytime. 

Treasurer Kirk Peterson – (absent) President Mark reported on the current bank balance, expenses and monies deposited from recent donations from Rich Ford.

Standing Committee Reports and Volunteer Coordinators:

Car Council Steve Kranz – no report since their meeting is the following week. 

Email Jessica Lance – (absent) from previous meetings; send information to be sent out as far in advance as you can. When replying to an email, reply to the sender themselves and not the Tin Lizzies email.  Other than that, all is good.

Telephone Linda Riel – if anyone would like to be called, let me know. 

T n VittleLinda Riel – October 8 is hosted by Phil & Jessica L will place still TBD. An email will be sent out with location & time. 

Meeting Refreshments Linda Riel – tonight provided by Paul & Marilyn D goodies from our recent tour plus some yummy brownies.

Newsletter Paul & Marilyn Duncan – getting ready for the next issue which will be out early October. A brief run-down of what will be printed was given.

Webmaster Sharon Dominguez  Waiting on a write up for Vineyard’s Happy Days Parade, recent t n vittles, State Fair and anything else someone wants to submit. 

Hospitality Fran Gurule – get well card sent to Scott Stuart. 

Librarian Mark Dominguez – let me know what you would like prior to our meeting, text call or email. See under Roy Young Memorial Library on our website which includes manuals to help with the tinkering. 

Quartermaster Larry Azevedo – Neil O still owes a Bendix (extremely hard to locate), Phil L a fan belt, Jim G front crank pully, Dave F triple pins.

Historian Marilyn Duncan – No report.

State Fair contact Mark Dominguez – we met in the parking lot at Linn Ave & California on 9/11 where some unloaded their car from their trailer, then we all drove into the fair @ 7:50 am & parked on Main Street. We had 14 T’s. One T could not make it off the trailer (chicken award). A lot of talking & eating (very unusual for us). Then at 3:00 pm the State Police escorted us out.

Tour Coordinator Frank Lewark – (not present) Socorro Tour for September 15 thru 18 netted 22 attendees with 8 – 9 T’s (depending on the day). A reporting by Paul D for each day. Andy A will receive the chicken award since his car had troubles and could not be fixed on the spot & was trailered. Dave F will oversee the photo contest and asked to have pictures submitted by 10/1. Dave F had a bit of a hot foot going when his floorboard caught on fire.

Unfinished business (Old):   

Valencia High School Paul D – A visit will be made soon for a follow-up on an assignment.

Rich Ford Edgewood on Saturday 8/27. Met @ the SE corner of Central/Tramway & paraded on in. A total of 10 T’s, 13 members and 1 dog were present. Little peep awards go to Mark D & Mark W in which both had a little issue coming in but was taken care of.

T n Vittles Breakfast on 9/10 hosted by Neil & MaryAnn O @ their house. Lots of tasty food with about 20 members and 3 T’s in attendance enjoying visiting in the garden.

Mark D provided their T for a wedding on September 15. The couple was picked up from Old Ysidro Church with a stop at 2 places on the way for pictures. We then proceeded to Los Poblanos where Sharon had the trailer out front, so the T was loaded and we headed off to Socorro.

New business:   

The Fall Harvest at Los Luceros Historic Site will host arts & crafts, vendors, multiple food trucks, performers from Northern NM, apple picking, kids’ activities & more. Sunday September 25th 10 am to 4pm @ 253 County Rd 41, Alcalde NM 87511. Contact Carlyn Stewart 505 476 1165 office or 505 629 9582 cell.

T n Vittles on 10/8 hosted by Phil & Jessica L with place TBD. An email will be provided with details. Larry A will be having a work party afterwards to pull the engine out of Andy A’s T to see what was going on from the tour. 

The Veterans Memorial located 1100 Louisiana Blvd SE is looking for car owners who are Veterans that would like to showcase their cars @ the Memorial on Saturday October 8. Contact Cecelia Salazar

Stan G stated that the Elk’s 2430 Centre SE (Yale & Gibson area) is having a gathering from 11 am till 1 pm on October 22 (Saturday) in which food trucks will be onsite. Email will be sent.

Next month’s meeting refreshments for 10/27 will be provided by Janice Guana & Sharon Dominguez.

MaryAnn O mention the possibility of Montessori School having the T’s on display for the students to learn about this era of vehicles sometime in late October. 

Holiday party will coincide with Corrales Parade on 12/3. Larry & Lorna have offered use of their barn for our festivities. We need to decide on dinner; Sharon D is coordinating. After much discussion, it was decided to go with Italian. Paul D made a motion “The Club does not furnish any funds towards the Holiday Party.” No second made, motion died on the floor . MaryAnn O made a motion “The club pays up to $750 towards the holiday party.” Motion seconded by Vern W. Discussion followed resulting in MaryAnn O making an amendment to her motion to state “The club pays up to $750 towards the holiday party with each attendee paying $5.00“. Motion second by Vern Willan. No further discussion was made. Call for vote on amended motion – Motion passed. Further details will be forthcoming as time gets closer.

Upcoming Elections for 2023 is just around the corner. Vice President Vaughn R is in charge with help from our board of directors.

Work Party Updates –   

For Sale or Trade –   

Tonight’s Program  no program tonight, scheduled for November.

FYI – John H will be bringing in some of his T parts over the next 2 months to sell.

Meeting adjourned 7:51 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Linda Riel, Secretary