Meeting Minutes (Nov. 17, 2022)

Tin Lizzies of Albuquerque Monthly Meeting Minutes


Call meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. 

Pledge of Allegiance

Welcome any new members and guests – Our last meeting for 2022. Austin Pisani from NJ (27 T project) guest of Jim G & welcome back to Eddie & Pam Bell 

Officers Present: Mark Dominguez, Vaughn Rockafellow, Linda Riel & Kirk Peterson (via zoom)

Board of Directors Present: Phil Lance, Jeff Richards & Mark Wing  

Minutes from the October meeting were approved after correction was noted & amended minutes will be published on our website. 

Officer Reports:   

President Mark Dominguez – welcomed 24 + members in attendance with quorum established. Kameron P attended via Zoom. 

Vice President Vaughn Rockafellow  raffle (tickets .50 each). There were 5 bags of goodies with winners Chris O, Jeff R, Paul D, Mark D & Eddie B who passed it onto Jessica L. The “free” table had a glass elephant donated by Sharron G & Jim G took possession. Vaughn made a motion that any monies left at the end of the year carry over & added to the funds allocated for the following year with a maximum of $300 available for raffle items. Mark D clarified that is what is done. 

Secretary Linda Riel  membership renewal is on. Pay tonight if you like & verify your information on a printout of members to verity. 

Treasurer Kirk Peterson  (via zoom) reported on the current bank balance, expenses & monies deposited. A copy of bank transactions & a YTD check register was provided if anyone wanted to look at it. 

Standing Committee Reports & Volunteer Coordinators: 

Car Council Steve Kranz  meetings have concluded for 2022 & will resume in January of 2023. 

Email Jessica Lance  from previous meetings; provide information to be sent out as far in advance as you can. When replying to an email, reply to the sender themselves & not the Tin Lizzies email. Other than that, all is good with occasional bounce back on Gene B.

Telephone Linda Riel  if anyone would like to be called, let me know. 

T n VittleLinda Riel  no T n Vittles in December. New sign-up sheet is available for 2023. 

Meeting Refreshments Linda Riel  tonight provided by our men of the club for “Guys with Pies” which is a long-time honored tradition. New sign-up sheet is available for 2023.
Newsletter Paul & Marilyn Duncan  getting ready for the next issue November/December which should be out by the second week of December in order to cover the holiday parade & dinner. 

Webmaster Sharon Dominguez – updating accordinglyWaiting on write up for T n Vittles from 10/8 (Paul D will sends pics) & 11/12 from Don N.

Hospitality Fran Gurule  get well soon to Lena S & thinking of you to Brian D. 

Librarian Mark Dominguez  let me know what you would like prior to our meeting, text call or email. See under Roy Young Memorial Library on our website which includes manuals to help with the tinkering. 

Quartermaster Larry Azevedo  Brian owes a Bendix, Phil L a fan belt & Jim G timing gear & a cam shaft (both on back order). 

Historian Marilyn Duncan  Received donation of numerous newsletters & will be cataloging them. 

State Fair Contact Mark Dominguez  nothing till 2023. 

Tour Coordinator – currently no one 

Unfinished Business (Old):   

Valencia High School Paul D  visit scheduled for week of 11/21. Talked with Ray G on getting some sort of evening thing going on to include Belen High School. Bottom line is a decision must be made on what to do with the T once it is built (own it, insure it or what). Been driving it around campus a bit.

T n Vittles on 11/12 hosted by Don Neidigk @ Ironwood Kitchen (honors our Veterans) with 1 T & 20 + members. 

Work Party on 11/5 had a good turn & as usual, lots of stuff to work on. New member Austin P had driving lessons & happens to be a laser welder that could come in handy for the club.

New Business:  

The photo contest winners from our recent tour to Socorro: Cars & Misc = photo C3 by Paul D, Landscape = photo L1 by Paul D, People = photo P5 by Marilyn D. Tie for overall favorite photo C3 by Paul D & C5 by Sharon Dominguez. Prizes were presented to the winners consisting of a metal sign & with a tie for overall, another Ford Logo bottle will be acquired & handed out accordingly. 

Further nominations were allowed from the floor for each position & upon receiving no further acclamations for each position, the ballot stand as is. President – Mark D, Vice President – Vaugh R, Secretary – Marilyn D & Jessica L, Treasurer – Kirk P. Board of Directors – Phil L, Dave F & Jeff R. A newly fun election idea for Club Mascot was presented with the following – Jackie Andrews, Kenzie Ferro, Reyna Gauna, Olive Peterson, Lulu Gurule, Charlie Lance.

Elections for 2023 results are President = Mark D, Vice President = Vaugh R, Secretary = Jessica L & Treasurer = Kirk P. The 3 Board of Directors are Phil L, Jeff R & Dave F. A newly fun election idea for Club Mascot = Charlie Lance.

Membership Renewal is now, so please pay & turn in your monies to Kirk P & notify Linda R of any change in information.

December 3 Holiday Party will take place in the Azevedo’s barn. Dinner furnished by Mario’s with a $5 pay in which was due by the November meeting. Be at Azevedo’s by 4:00 pm to decorate & head to start of parade route @ 5:00. Dinner should/will be ready by 6:00 pm. A few members will be getting the barn set up on 12/1 about 2:30.

MTFCA Elections are in the process for 2023. See ballot in current issue of Vintage Ford. Contact Larry A for questions on the candidates. There are 5 for the 3 positions. Ballots need to be received by 12/15.

Work Party Updates – 11/19 with the Lance’s Tudor will be getting worked on so that Jessica can drive in the Corrales Holiday Parade.

For Sale or Trade – nothing

Tonight’s Program  charades (postponed from a few months ago) with several members acting out T parts.

FYI – Paul D notified us that John H would like to donate a complete set of Vintage Ford going back to the original (about 40 + years). Contact either Paul or John.

Meeting adjourned 8:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Linda Riel, Secretary