Valencia High School (Feb. 24, 2023)

Story and Photos by Paul Duncan

            When we started out at 7:30, it was 280 and our 1927 Roadster Pickup was on the trailer. We met Dave Ferro at the Isleta Casino and continued on 47 S to Los Lunas and turned east on NM 263 and then south on Manzano Expressway to the school. We unloaded our T’s at the school parking lot and immediately were surrounded by students. We gave a number of rides and explained the workings of the T to them. We met  instructor Anthony Chavez at the auto shop building and signed in. Tin Lizzie Steve Langdon was there with his 1925e Green 1925 T Coupe which he drove from his home in Jarales. He said it ran better with the tuned coils from the February 4th workday. Tin Lizzie members John and Vicky Lujan-Gibbs brought their 1930 Model A Coupe along with club members Ray Gabaldon and his granddaughter Raylynn in Ray’s 1928 Model A Phaeton. Paul Calica came in his 1931 Model A Tudor and Matt Raekey came in his 1929 Model A Tudor.