Meeting Minutes (Mar. 23, 2023)

Minutes for the Tin Lizzies of Albuquerque General Meeting

Held at The Vineyard’s clubhouse on March 23, 2023

Call to Order:

President Mark Dominguez called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. 


President Mark Dominguez led the Pledge of Allegiance.


President Mark Dominguez welcomed everyone to the meeting. We did not have any guests or new members. 25 Members present and two on Zoom (Mark W and Kameron), quorum met.??Approval of minutes: The minutes of the February 23, 2023, minutes are approved as published. Per THE MODEL T FORD CLUB OF AMERICA – OPERATIONS MANUAL – 2020.

Officers’ reports:??Vice President Report– Vaughn Rockafellow presented this month’s raffle items.

Raffle items were:

  1. 1.         Henrys wonderful Model T Book and a lubrication chart
  2. 2.         Going West in a Model T ford book donated by Kirk P, and a lubrication chart.
  3. 3.         Flex seal as seen on TV and a lubrication chart.
  4. 4.         Wood Kit Kingsford Charcoal 8 pounds

Vaughn informed us how to make a funnel in a moment with a plastic bottle.

Secretary’s Report- Jessica Lance  Jessica reported we had 4 renewals mailed in, bringing our total members to 86 members.

We received an email from a member of the Mustang Club. “A friend and I stopped by last Saturday to see your show at Rich Ford. I wanted to let you know that the club members we interacted with were excellent ambassadors for the Tin Lizzies of Albuquerque. A warm welcome and readily answered our questions. A great introduction to your club. Best Regards, Barry – RGMC member.”

Treasure’s Report– Kirk Peterson reported that the annual audit was completed by Janice Guana. Janice’s report was read by Jessica to the club. Janice indicated the treasurer’s books were in order and there were no issues to report.

Bank balance was reported and a listing of debits and credits.?Annual Corporation Commission fee paid.

Telephone truck insurance paid.

Rich Ford donation received.

Membership dues received.

SiteLock (website monthly fee) paid.

Committee reports.??Car Council- Steve Kranz reported that NMCCC SPONSORED EVENTS FOR 2023 :

May 21, 2023– Albuquerque Museum Car Show

July 8, 2023– Collector Car Appreciation Day

August 13, 2023– Car Council Picnic

September 24, 2023– Fall Car Show and Cruise

The Cadillac La Salle club is having a show 6/24 at the Marriott Pyramid.?E-Mail- Philip & Jessica Lance: Emails addresses have been removed from the distribution list in multiple areas. This is an ongoing clean up. We currently have no bounce back emails currently. We encourage sending announcement to the tin lizzie email address for club distribution for any upcoming event or general news we can use.?Telephone – Linda Riel reported we have three members receiving reminder phone calls. If you want to be added let her know T n Vittles- Linda Riel reported we have openings, and an email will be sent out. Dave F will host at Central Grill & Coffee House, 2056 Central Ave SW, Albuquerque, NM 87104.?Meeting Refreshments- Linda Riel reported openings in May & October. One person will be able to handle refreshments alone as attendance is at 20. August Ice cream social. ??

Website- Sharon Dominguez, requested members to please send photos of your car.  Send in your article for the website. Host of a T n Vittles and event story and pictures. Listed all items on the website. Marilyn emailed Sharon regarding several items including several links not working. These links were malfunctioning at the MTFCA site.

The membership form needs an address updated, with Jessica’s help this will be updated and corrected. Rita-Loy spoke on issues on autocorrect via a joke. Marilyn asked if the calendar would be updated. ??

Hospitality- Fran Gurule reported she sent get well cards to: Sharon D, Bob, Susan W .??

Librarian– Mark Dominguez  Let me know if you need any materials via text, phone, or email.??Quartermaster– Larry Azevedo reported club parts that are owed are:

Jim G timing gear, cam shaft, and Philip a terminal block??

Historian- Marilyn Duncan reported she completed the notebook-scrapbook project and brought them to the meeting for us to enjoy. 

Newsletter- Paul & Marilyn Duncan. Paul Duncan reported the raffle winning Die Cast tractor model was featured 2009 Vintage Ford article  was written by Lorna at the time the club worked on and gave a working Fordson tractor to the MTFCA for display.

Kirk requested birthdays and anniversaries in the newsletter. 

Larry moved that we can starting now at  the members option we include members birthday month and day. 


Kirk would like to send a card.

Lorna would like to call a person. 

Linda would like the days included.

Motion passed. Opposed by Paul and Marilyn

Marilyn would like an announcement made via email that members will now have the option to exclude themselves from having birthdays in the newsletter.

Vaughn reported that the MTFCA is selling a tractor. It is the Gaines Fordson Tractor. This tractor was donated by Don and Madora Gaines and worked on by the club. 

Meeting Refreshments Steve K and Dario I provided our mid-meeting snacks.

?Old business?

Valencia High School Car Show February 24, 2023. Steve Langdon, Dave Ferro and the Duncan’s represented the Tin Lizzies and gave rides. Dave went to the school for another session.

T n Vittles– On March 4th, our hosts Janice and Stan Guana held the T n Vittles in Belen at La Dos Gringas. We had 33 T members and A members were in attendance. This was followed up with a tour of Mr. Langdon’s various automobiles.

Work party on February 25th- Larry Azevedo reported Tim O’Brien demonstrated a method for repairing cracks in a block using special constructed screws. Mark W continued the rebuild of his 1909 engine. Dave F was pressing on the axle gears to the rear axles with Larry, Paul and Vern assisting with a torch.?

13th Annual Great Gatsby Dave Ferro and the Duncan’s attended on March 9th as well as ten Model A’s.  Students were in period clothing and taking photos in the cars. Dave F gave rides. Look on our website for fabulous photos of the students in period clothing. Paul also offered to lecture on the history of the Model T and the history of Henry Ford. 

Rich Ford Alb 62nd Anniversary Car Show Saturday March 11 – Linda Riel reported 13 Model T’s attended the event  and the telephone truck was taken by the Lances. We had 24 members, 3 guests and Kenzie (dog). We tied the model A’s with 13 T’s and 13 A’s.

Swap meet in Chickasha, OK March 17-18 Dave, Kirk, Steve and Larry attended.

It was raining and cold, Larry reported on his findings, Kirk sold most of his items.

MTFCA Annual Meeting March 24-25 Las Vegas, NV

Paul and Marilyn will be attending the Saturday banquet.

Telephone Truck and Trailer – Paul reported that he contacted Freighter Jim, $1400 is the quote. He expressed that several members would like to purchase the trailer.

MaryAnn expressed that the telephone truck is an asset.  It is a recreated truck as telephones/landlines are going away. The truck is an asset to those who do not own a car. This would be an asset to help the young people learn to drive. Lorna and Larry have kept the vehicle for a long time and it is time for someone else to be the caretakers.

The truck needs to be shown at Rich Ford events and at the State Fair. 

Once donated to MTFCA, the telephone truck can be sold later.  Have we really given enough thought? The O’Brien’s brought up that the January minutes state that it appears the vote took place during a board meeting. Jessica spoke to the irregularity of the section of the minutes in question because of members injecting opinions with no order.  

Mark D stated the MTFCA form states “In the future the objects are deemed unusable buy the museum in accordance with its deaccession and disposition policies please indicate your preference for disposition of the objects.”  The club will be able to have the telephone truck once MTFCA deems it unusable. 

Marilyn spoke about the history of the Telephone Truck and that is considered a service vehicle.

Philip feels the MTFCA has very little value to him. He does see the historic value of the vehicle and our mission should be carried through with the vehicle. He feels the vehicle should stay here. 

Motion for Reconsideration by Marilyn O’Brien and 2nd by Jessica L.


Vern and Paul made a wish list of things that needed to work on. This was not taken care of to date.

Vern- he moved that is be donated to the MTFCA because of its uniqueness. 

Jessica spoke of personal history, the ease of driving the truck and the need to keep our assets in case of financial need.

Dario stated it would be fun to learn to drive the truck.

Philip asked if it had been offered to the local museum. 

Motion for reconsideration donating the telephone truck. 

Yeas vote to keep- 7 for keeping *

No’s 13 to send it to MTFCA. 

No’s have the majority. Motion failed. The telephone truck will be donated to the MTFCA .

Larry A stated in the absence of the telephone truck anyone can borrow one of his Model T’s.

New Business:

Upcoming Events:

  • April 1st Work Party
  • T n Vittles on April 8th- at the Central Grill @ 2056 Central SW (in Old Town. Rio Grande) – Dave Ferro host.
  • April 30th 7am to 3pm  5th Annual Car Show supporting Honor Flight of Northern New Mexico to the NM this could  be an easy tour. 
  • June 18-21, Montana 500 in Fort Benton, Montana , Larry, Kirk and Dave will attempt to each take a car for the race in Montana.
  • June 18-23, MTFCA 2023 National Tour Manhattan Kansas 
  • Sept 10th State Fair. More information to come. 
  • Fall Tour in Durango coordinators: Dominguez, Peterson , Azevedo and Andy Andrews, Hotels are extremely pricey. More information to come. 

Telephone truck transport Larry moved and Paul 2nd that the telephone truck freight not to exceed $2000. Motion passed.


  •   Next month refreshments: Dave Ferro and Duncan’s.
  • For Sale or Trade

Raffle item Winners:

  1. Henry’s Wonderful Model T and lubrication chart– Paul D won.

2.   Going West in a Model T ford book donated by Kirk P, and a lubrication chart. Neil O’Brien won.

3.   Flex seal as seen on TV and a lubrication chart, Betty.

4.   Kingsford charcoal also known as the model T wood kit and a funnel -Jeff who donated it back again. Paul won. 

Raffle brought in $29.

Program-Vern Willan program was on laser etching.

Next Tin Lizzie Meeting April 27th at 6:30 p.m.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:43 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by

Jessica Chavez-Lance                               ___________________

Jessica Chavez-Lance, Tin Lizzies Secretary                     Date of approval