Meeting Minutes (Oct. 26, 2023)

Minutes for the Tin Lizzies of Albuquerque General Meeting

Held at The Vineyard’s clubhouse on October 26, 2023. 

Call to Order:

President Mark Dominguez called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 


President Mark Dominguez led the Pledge of Allegiance.


President Mark Dominguez welcomed everyone to the meeting 21 members were present and two on Zoom (Cameron & Don) quorum met.

Program- Lorna and Ernestine

Approval of minutes: The minutes of the September 28, 2023, meeting minutes are corrected as published. Per THE MODEL T FORD CLUB OF AMERICA- OPERATIONS MANUAL – 2020.

Officers’ reports:

Vice President Report – Vaughn Rockafellow 

Raffle items

  1. 1. Poster of 100-year celebration of Model T
  2. 2. Museum XL t shirt, tin lizzie tote bag
  3. 3. MTFCA t cup mug, tip book volume 2 and a tin lizzie tote bag

Secretary’s Report –  Jessica Lance no correspondence to report.

Treasure’s Report – Kirk Peterson, reported the following: balance report at the previous meeting, a list and explanation of receipts/expenses and the current balance. One membership renewal, one new member Dwayne Smith.

Committee reports.

Car Council – Steve Kranz has stepped down and we need a new representative, please contact Mark D if interested.
E-Mail – Jessica Lance: NMCCC emails are being sent out, we currently have no bounce back emails. We encourage sending announcement to the tin lizzie email address for club distribution for any upcoming event or general news we can use

T n Vittles – Linda Riel reported our next breakfast will be at 7:45 am November 11, 2023 at Ironwood Kitchen 5740 Night Whisper Rd NW. #240 (Unser Plaza off Unser and north of McMahon).

Meeting Refreshments – Linda Riel reported the Wings, Petersons and Guanas are providing and next month is Guys with Pies. All guys are asked to bring any type of pie.

Telephone – Linda Riel, if you would like to be added to the list, please contact Linda.

Newsletter – Paul & Marilyn Duncan. The Duncan’s reported that the newsletter will be sent out the week after our holiday party.  Articles from Don N will be included as well as a for sale ad for his 1927 Coupe.  If interested, please contact Don.

Valencia High School – Paul and Dave will be going to the school next week.

Historian – Marilyn Duncan reported AZ pioneers Indianapolis pioneer volunteers have identified all the items in the telephone truck. 

Website – Sharon Dominguez is requesting members to send pictures and a story from T ’n Vittles and work days. Also, please send photos of your car. Always looking forward to articles for the website. Check out upcoming events for all the latest events for the club. Email all articles for the website directly to Sharon at .

Added to the website- Work party Sept 30, State Fair, September meeting minutes.

Need: Abuelitas T ‘n Vittles, 16th work party, Power ford car show Tour Pictures for days 2+3.

Hospitality – Fran Gurule reported she has not sent out any get well

Librarian – Mark Dominguez – Let me know if you need any materials via text, phone, or email.

Don M has a DVD checked out.

Quartermaster – Larry Azevedo reported item out is a cam shaft from Jim G.

Old business

Work party – Please visit the website to see the progress on various Tin Lizzie vehicles. 

Don N worked on coils and a new timer and a new fuel line and the car is running great.

Power Ford on the 4th of September Labor Day. Neil O’Brien won the most unique vehicle with 250 total registered cars. 6 model T’s and a $300 donation.

T n Vittles for October was postponed and then canceled due to illness (Covid).

New Business:

  • • Sharon reported that the Holiday Party committee met just before the regular meeting. Sharon moved and Janice 2nd that the club spend up to $400 for food and center pieces. Motion carries. All in favor.
  • • Vaughn asked club members to donate money to a food bank, he will personally donate $300.  Joe also stated his pantry is in need of food and monetary donations. Fran moved and Lorna 2nd the club donated $500 to the Roadrunner food bank. Motion carries. All in favor.

Upcoming Events:

  • • October 28, 2023, Work Party – Larry Azevedo 
  • • November 11, 2023, T n Vittles at Ironwood Kitchen 5740 Night Whisper Rd NW. #240 

(Unser Plaza off Unser and north of McMahon.

  • • November 16th Meeting and Elections – We are looking to fill all offices. Think about running, call Vaughn if interested. 
  • • Next Month Refreshments – Guys with Pies
  • • November 18th – 5th annual NM Veterans Memorial Show and Shine car show at the Veterans Memorial Park, Color Guard and singing of the National Anthem. 42 awards, 
  • • Dec 2nd, Twinkle Light Parade and Christmas Party in Corrales at Azevedo’s with the Installation of officers with holiday party. 
  • • December 2, 2023, Corrales Christmas parade, at The Azevedo’s at 4 p.m. leave at 5 p.m. for staging at Wagner Farm.
  • • December 5th, 2023, 1915 American LaFrance/Ford Model T Type A chemical fire engine


For sale or trade:

  • • Photos from George Diewald 505-917-3781
  • • Betty H has her 1921 Doctors Coupe for Sale, $8500. New upholstery on the doors. 
  • • Bill Hansen’s brother-in-law has parts for sale in Phoenix. Contact Bill at

Program Lorna as Ernestine

Next Tin Lizzie Meeting November 16th at 6:30 p.m. at the Vineyard

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:59 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by

Jessica Chavez-Lance                           _November 16, 2023______

Jessica Chavez-Lance, Tin Lizzies Secretary                     Date of approval