Meeting Minutes (Mar. 28, 2024)

Tin Lizzie Meeting Minutes
March 28, 2024


Meeting called to Order at 6:30PM by VP Jessica Lance (President Larry Azevedo ill)
Pledge of Allegiance
New Members Tim Heer & Sean Hughs introduced themselves & their wives. Ken Carpenter rejoined the club.
Minutes from last meeting approved as published.
Vice President Report: Jessica Lance gave a report on the inventor of the diesel engine and miscellaneous older car information.
Secretary Report: Fran Gurule: Thank you notes received from Betty Housholder and Roadrunner Food Bank.
Treasurer Report: Marilyn Duncan: Raffle money deposited and check issued to reimburse Marilyn Duncan. Marilyn explained new rules for free 1 year MTFCA membership.
Vern Willan made a motion to identify new members for the 2023-2024 year and have a drawing for the free 1 year MTFCA
membership. Tim Heer second. Motion passed.
Committee Reports:
Car Council: Dave Ferro attended meeting last night. Many upcoming events discussed. Big event is Museum Car show May 19, 2024.
See flyer
Email: Jessica Lance All ok
Telephone: Linda Riel Calling people. Let her know if need to be put on or taken off list.
Meeting Refreshments & T n Vittles: Linda Riel Still need more volunteers
Historian: Marilyn Duncan Nothing new
Website: Sharon Dominguez Website working but still working on few bugs.
Valencia HS program: Paul Duncan : Program back to normal. Sean Hughs and Tim Heer discussed changes being made to organize &
improve program.
Hospitality: Fran Gurule Sent sympathy card to family of Steve Suttle Fran Gurule made a motion to send $50.00 donation at end of year to MTCFA in Steve Suttle’s name. Vaughn Rockafellow 2nd motion. Motion passed.
Librarian:Mark Dominguez Books ready to check out.
Quartermaster: Parts used by Gretchen Valencia.
Work Parties : March 23,2024. Gretchen’s car worked on and running. Mark Dominquez changed tires and Mark Wing ran tests on coils. Next work party April 6,2024
T n Vittles :Lunch at Mark and Sharon Domingues home. One model T. Well attended.
Konrad Werner spoke about TriMotor airplane and invited members to bring model T’s for picture. Rides available to fly in plane for
$99.00. Call Paul Duncan for arrangements.
Motion made by Kirk Peterson to buy two timers for club inventory. Motion 2nd by Paul Duncan. Discussion held. 2 in favor and 26
opposed. Motion did not pass
Rich Ford: Linda Riel Need more cars to go to event to have a good show. More members volunteered to be there.
Raffle held, $23 earned.
Program: Dave Ferro introduced us to RailRunner Motorcars.
Meeting adjourned 8:05 pm

Minutes submitted by Francis Gurule; 2024 Secretary.

Minutes approve at regular membership meeting on April 25, 2024.