Tin Lizzies Club Meeting Minutes
April 25, 2024
Pledge of Allegiance led by President
Guest speaker Tom Taylor was introduced. We had no new members in attendance.
Tonight’s program will be presented by John Taylor: The 2029 Locomotive
Refreshments provided by Tom Miles
Approval of minutes of last meeting, approved.
Vice President Report– Living raffle items
Secretary’s Report– Fran not present
Treasurer’s report -Marilyn gave the club a financial report and our membership is now at 94 total members.
Committee reports
Car council – still need volunteer to attend meetings
Email – Jessica reports that all is working well and send info to the Tin Lizzies email if you would like to send out a note to the club distribution list.
Telephone– Linda reported that she is calling those on her list. If you would like to be added, give her a call.
Meeting refreshments – Tom M and Vaughn R, Susan & Mark Wing. We have openings for refreshment hosts. An email will be sent out.
T n Vittles – 5/11/24 and Tom and Cathy Miles. September is still available for Tn Vittles
Newsletter – will be out in the 2nd week of June and the cover will be the Ford Tri Motor.
Valencia High School– Paul will be meeting with Anthony and Tim & Shawn to continue planning. Tim reported that they are looking forward to working with the list of parts needed.
Historian had nothing to report.
Website – Sharon posted the newsletter, meeting minutes, T ‘n Vittles, Rich Ford, and the Ford tri motor plane and both workdays on the 6th and 20th
Hospitality-Fran sent a card to Rebecca W’s family. Motion to add Rebecca to the memorial at the end of the year. Motion approved
Librarian– Mark has books and videos to loan out. Give him a call.
Quartermaster – Larry read a list of items used this year so far.
Workday– Larry held workdays on April 6th and April 20th.
Unfinished Business
Rich Ford donation was wonderful and Linda
T n Vittles report by Dave- Central Grill 13 and 4 cars were at The Grill.
New Business
T n Vittles – May 11, Mimi’s on 1-25 and Jefferson
Work parties – May 11 after breakfast at Mimi’s
Museum Car Show on Sunday May 19th, 7 have volunteered to take their car.
Tractor club will be hosting a car show in Corrale9-3pm free of charge.
Vaughn brought Birdhaven vintage auto supply catalogs from Chickasaw
Dario was at Isotopes park with his flamenco dance team.
Program John Taylor: The 2029 Locomotive
Raffle items were various indoor and outdoor plants.
Respectfully submitted,
Jessica Lance
Minutes approved at regular membership meeting on May 23, 2024.