Tin Lizzie Meeting Minutes
June 27,2024
Meeting called to order 6:30PM
Pledge of Allegiance.
Welcome new member David Raikes
Refreshments provided by Sharon & Mark Dominguez & others.
Minutes from May meeting stand as published.
Vice President report: not present, no report.
Secretary’s report: Fran Gurule: nothing to report.
Treasurer’s report: Marilyn Duncan: reported income & expenses. Also
reported we now have 95 members in club.
Car Council: Sharron Geilenfeldt reported several activities, check website for details.
Meeting refreshments & T n Vittles: still need volunteers
Newsletter: Paul Duncan: next issue will be in about a month.
Valencia HS program: Paul Duncan: nothing new
Historian: Marilyn Duncan: nothing new
Website: Sharon Dominguez: posted new events
Hospitality: Fran Gurule: cards sent to Paul Duncan (get well) & Tom Miles (sympathy, Cathy Miles long time member passed away).
Quartermaster: Larry Azevedo: parts used and replaced
Work Parties: Larry Azevedo: July 6 at 9am.
T n Vittles: Betty Housholder Vineyards breakfast: 5 cars, after breakfast
visited Sandia Ridge Nursing home.
Non Members Dom, Dean and George came from different states and
drove their T’s to Durango and planned to go on big adventure but one car
had a fatal breakdown and their adventure was cut short.
Fourth of July: Lorna Azevedo: meet at Azevedo house to decorate cars at 8:30am, go to staging area as group at 9:00am and after parade go to Azevedo’s for Barbecue. They will provide meat and condiments. Bring a dish to share.
T n Vittles: July 13, breakfast at El Patio on Rio Grande NW. Starts at 10AM. No reservations so come a little early.
Power Ford car show Sept 2,2024.
Rich Ford(Edgewood) car show: Voted on August 24,2024 from three available dates.
Fall Tour: Kirk Peterson: Ruidoso tour changed to Santa Fe due to fires. The Santa Fe tour still in planning stage but will be 3 or 4 days.
Program: Larry Azevedo discussed the Montana 500 Race. Kirk Peterson, Dave Ferro, Cole Wedekind raced 545 miles in three days. Cole came in third place. Cameron Peterson & Larry Azevedo were passengers.
Raffle held.
Meeting Adjourned
Minutes submitted by Francis Gurule
Minutes approved at regular membership meeting on July 25, 2024.