Meeting Minutes (Sept. 26, 2024)

Tin Lizzies Meeting Minutes

September 26, 2024

Meeting called to order 6:29pm.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Introduced guest Jay Melin who is doing program tonight.

Refreshments provided by Susan Wing.

Minutes from last meeting approved as published.

Vice President Report: Jessica Lance advised lots of raffle prizes available.

Secretary Report: Fran Gurule reported Thank you card received from John Hayne’s brother, Bob Hayne and wife Gail.

Treasurer’s Report: Marilyn Duncan advised money received and dispersed. Reimbursed Kirk Peterson and paid meeting room rental. Also reported ten new members in 2024.

Car Council: Sharron Geilenfeld nothing to report.

Email: Jessica Lance will correct Sharron Geilenfeldt’s email.

Telephone: Linda Reil still calling. Let her know if want to be called.

Meeting refreshments: Linda Reil still needs someone for next month. Vern Willan volunteered.

Newsletter: Paul Duncan newsletter will be out in about a week.

Valencia High School: Paul Duncan nothing new.

Historian: Marilyn Duncan nothing to report.

Website: Sharon Dominguez website has been updated.

Hospitality: Fran Gurule cards sent to Lena Schritter (get well) & John Hayne(thinking of you/ get well).

Librarian : Mark Dominguez books and videos ready to check out.

Quartermaster: Larry Azevedo one part out to Andy.

Work Parties: Larry Azevedo next work day October 5. Working on Kirk Peterson’s car and other projects as needed. August 27 replaced Dave’s brake band. August 28th tuned Mark W.coils. August 31 Shriner’s calliope rewired & dist. fixed. Pot luck followed.

Rich Ford Edgewood Car Show: August 24. 10 cars showed . Don Mitchell’s car & trailer sold.

Power Ford: September 2. 7 cars showed. Mark won Trophy.

T n Vittles: September 14. Breakfast at Abulitos and visited John’s house. Also worked on John Criswell’a car.

State Fair: 14 cars.

Santa Fe Tour: 8 cars toured Santa Fe area. Vern Willan made a motion to give Larry Azevedo and Kirk Peterson $100.00 for their hard work for the Santa Fe Tour . During discussion Larry & Kirk refused the money. Vern tabled the motion.

Nominations open for Officers for next year. Board members will be soliciting positions.

Don Mitchell has 21” wood wheels and rims for sale.

Oct 19 Calgary Church having a car show. A fee will be charged. If interested let Larry know.
Raffle held.

Program on New Mexico License plates presented to club by Jay Melin.

Meeting Adjourned

Minutes submitted by Fran Gurule.