Tin Lizzie Meeting Minutes
October 24, 2024
Meeting called to order 6:30 pm.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Refreshments provided by Willans.
Minutes from last meeting approved as published.
Vice President Report: Jessica Lance- general information on the Model T production in England.
Secretary Report: Fran Gurule-nothing to report.
Treasurer Report: Marilyn Duncan-income received & deposited. Paid room rent. We now have 98 members. Accepting dues for next year.
Car Council: No one attended the meeting.
Email: Jessica Lance-all well.
Meeting Refreshments: Linda Reil- November is Guys with Pies. Let her know what kind of pie you’re bringing.
T ‘n Vittles: Linda Reil-November breakfast will be November 9, 2024 at Ironwood Kitchen at 9AM.
Newsletter: Paul Duncan- Newsletter went out in early October. Check it out on the website.
Valencia High School: Paul Duncan- nothing to report.
Historian: Marilyn Duncan-nothing to report.
Website: Sharon Dominguez-all up to date except waiting for write up on Santa Fe tour.
Hospitality: Fran Gurule – cards sent to John Hayne, Bob Hawk & Liz Scott, Don & Barbara Mitchell, and Kameron Peterson.
Librarian: Mark Dominguez-books ready to be checked out.
Quartermaster: Larry Azevedo-all parts in. Don Mitchell gave parts to club.
Sandia Prep wants T’s. Paul Duncan will work out.
Work party: Larry Azevedo- October 5 had a good turnout. Many projects worked on. Next work party November 2, 2024.
Mark Dominguez made a motion not to renew Zoom for next year. Paul Duncan Seconded the Motion. Discussion: Zoom too costly with little participation. Motion passed.
Next meeting will be elections for 2025.
Nominations open for new officers for next year. Board of Directors will solicit positions.
Larry Azevedo nominated Mark Wing for president
Marilyn Duncan running for Treasurer.
Paul Duncan running for Vice President.
Board of Director nominees are: Vaughn Rockafellow, Dave Ferro, Jeff Richards, Ray Gabaldon, Stan Gauna.
Christmas Light parade will be December 7. Come early to decorate your car. Lorna Azevedo discussed having Holiday party same day at 2 PM. The menu would be Turkey and Ham and would cost $10 per person. Show of hands 22 people will come and pay on the 7th.
Vaughn Rockafellow has a book of how to build wood wheels. If want a copy it is $2.00.
Marilyn Duncan has catalogs of model T parts from John Hayne. She will bring to meeting if anyone interested.
Paul Duncan gave update on John Haynes health. He is doing better.
Larry Azevedo gave an update on Les & Ruth Haley. He’s building a speedster in Amarillo. They’re doing well.
Angel Pena joined the club. He & his son Alfredo looking for a speedster. Both willing to help work on cars.
Program; McPherson students drove a T and an A from Colorado to Kansas. Larry Azevedo talked about the student’s trip.
Raffle held with prizes distributed.
Meeting adjourned 7:43 pm.
Minutes submitted by Francis Gurule.