Workday at Larry’s Garage (Jan. 25, 2025)

Story and Pictures by Paul Duncan


We counted fifteen Tin Lizzie members participated. Leonard Scarborough, John Gibbs and Vicky Lujan-Gibbs completed the yearly inventory of Tin Lizzie Model T parts in the morning. Paul and Marilyn Duncan refurbished the radiator fan assembly for the Valencia High School T. Mark Wing, Angel Peña and son Lucien assisted Larry at the milling machine. Mark Wing brought a 1911 Block to place a few head bolt inserts along with preparing for 1/64 (15/1000th) oversize valve guides. The milling machine at Larry’s is fitted with a digital positioning system and has been extremely useful in T restoration projects. In the afternoon Vicky and John disassembled two generators with plans to build one workable generator for their Center Door T.


Kirk, Dave, and Larry worked on Kirk’s brake Pedal for Buster’s new Rocky Mountain brakes that are now allowed in the Montana 500. This is a very sensible change to the rules proposed by Kirk. Jim Glover and Ray Gabaldon observed.


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