Tin Lizzie Meeting Minutes
February 27, 2025
President (Mark Wing) called meeting to order at 6:33 pm
Pledge of Allegiance
Refreshments provided by Steve Kranz
Minutes: Error in Hospitality section – instead of a get-well card to Dave Merewether as noted, a sympathy card was sent to Ann. It was also noted that the bank balance should not have been published in the minutes. It will not be published in the future. The minutes were approved with the above revision.
Vice President’s Report (Paul Duncan): Nothing to report
Secretary’s Report (Dave Ferro): Nothing to report
Treasurer’s Report (Marilyn Duncan:
Income Notes:
Raffle (January 23) $46
Dues $408
Donations ($200 from Merewethers) $255
Expense Notes:
Reimbursement for refreshment plates $9.34 Annual web site renewal $53.76
Annual retort to the Secretary of State $11.95
Meeting room rental payment (3 months) $45.00
Membership: 92 members. Annual membership report filed with MTFCA
Audit: Marilyn met with Janice Gauna. Still some questions. Need some receipts. Receipts required for all expenditures.
President’s Report (Mark Wing)
Recognized passing of four former club/family members:
Dave King (February 4th) – Utah
Paul Carpenter (son of Ken Carpenter)
Mary Jo McKinstry (1931-2024) (widow of Jim McKinstry) – Colorado
Herb Padgett (1931-1925)
Committee Reports:
Car Council (Sharron Geilenfelt): May 18 – 39th Annual Albuquerque Museum Car Show – special display of low riders but all cars welcome. Planning to add a Friday night car show. Habitat for Humanity is raffling off a restored 1927 Buick. Tickets: $100 each. Car can be seen at the Habitat for Humanity office on Menaul.
Email (Kirk Peterson): No reports of email problems
Telephone (Linda Riel): Linda is currently calling 6 people. Linda noted that Tom Miles was in the hospital last week but is back home tonight.
Meeting Refreshments and T n’ Vittles (Linda Riel): Still opportunities for volunteers for both. Contact Linda
T n’ Vittles Report for January 11: February 8th T n’Vittles hosted by Steve Kranz at Denny’s at San Antonio and I-25. There were 19 participants and 2 Ts. Good food and service.
March refreshments will be provided by Dave Ferro and Vaughn Rockafellow
T n’ Vittles on March 8 will be at Rich Ford’s Mustang Café in conjunction with the car show, and will be hosted by Angel Pena (Be there between 7:30 and 8:00 am) Still no clarification regarding display of a 1925 T (or Ts) on the showroom floor. Linda will coordinate.
Linda announced that the new badges are in.
Newsletter (Paul and Marilyn Duncan): Next issue will be out first week of April
Valencia HS program (Paul Duncan): 1926 Touring restoration project – Larry will be scheduling a workday for VHS students at his garage soon. Frank Lewark donated a very nice dashboard for the project
Valencia HS Auto Shop Car Show, Los Lunas – Wed, Feb 19 from 7 to noon – Great show, good attendance. Included among the eclectic collection of around 50 vehicles on display were 5 Model As, 2 Model Ts (Larry Azevedo and Dave Ferro), and a jeep (Angel Pena)
Historian (Marilyn Duncan): Nothing to report
Website (Sharon Dominguez): Club activities up to date
Hospitality (Fran Gurule): Sympathy cards to families of Paul Carpenter and Dave King; get well card to Betty Houston; thinking of you card to Vern Armstrong; and welcome letter to new member Mark Overberg
Librarian (Mark Dominguez): An early club flag was found among stored materials and transferred to Historian Marilyn Duncan. All library materials are ready to be checked out.
Quartermaster (Larry Azevedo): All parts accounted for except a commutator.
Workday Update:
January 25 – club parts inventory was completed by Steve Kranz, John and Vicky Gibbs, Frank Lewark and Leonard Scarborough. In addition, John and Vicky worked on generators, Mark Wing machined valve guides and repaired head bolt threads in one of his engine blocks, and Ray Gabaldon and Kirk Peterson installed and adjusted the brake linkages for the new Rocky Mountains on Kirk’s Montana 500 coupe.
February 15 – Frank Lewark and Mark Wing machined valve guides for engine blocks while Angel Pena, Don Neidigk, Kirk Peterson and Dave Ferro removed the original rear end from Don’s coupe in preparation for installation of a Ruckstell axle. New members Mark Overberg and Mark Reinwald came by.
Other recent work in the shop – Dave Ferro adjusted coils and worked on an ignition switch for his Montana 500 car, Kirk Peterson finished installation of his new Rocky Mountain brakes, and Scott Stuart worked on shortening the torque tube and drive shaft for his new hill climber project.
Larry announced the next workday will be on February 29.
After the Valencia HS project is out of the garage, Ann Merewether’s center door sedan will be brought in. Not much work, some rewiring. Ann plans to sell it.
Don’s car is together -he now has 4 speeds forward and 2 backward with his rebuilt Ruckstell axle.
Unfinished Business
Ruidoso for 2025 Fall tour – Ray Gabaldon in charge of arrangements. Ray couldn’t make the meeting. Mark Dominguez confirmed our State Fair show will be September 7, so there is no conflict with proposed tour dates: September 10 -13 (Wed. – Sat.) with return on Sun. 14.
A block of 20 rooms have been set aside for tour participants (10 double queens and 10 kings) at MCM Elegante Lodge and Resort (contact: Katie Kmetz),107 Sierra Blanca Dr., Ruidoso NM 88345 (Rates: $149 for Double Queens and $169 for Kings).
Marilyn Duncan asked if the club would be liable if we don’t use all rooms in reserved block of 20? Clarification is needed.
New Business
Dario Ibarra arranged for club member invitations for a recent flamenco performance at Hotel Albuquerque. Several club members attended. Mark wing reported that the price was reasonable and the food good. Dario wants to put together more of these events this year, probably Sunday matinees at 4:00 pm. He will propose dates.
Couplet Registry (Larry Azevedo) – Larry announced establishment of a registry for this Model T type. Dave Taggert is the coordinator. Registry includes engine number and photos of each car. Approximately 80 cars have been registered to date. Larry and Mark Wing have registered their 1915 couplets.
Wheels Museum Speaker (Betty Householder) – March 1st at 10:00 am, Don Newton will speak on owning and driving a Model T. Event is free, donations accepted.
Wheels Museum Car Club Swap Meet (Betty Householder) – March 8th from 9:00 m to 2:00 pm. Unfortunately, it conflicts with March T n’ Vittles and Rich Ford car show.
Rich Ford Car Show Albuquerque (Linda Riel) – March 8 from 8:00am to 2:00 pm. Breakfast at the Mustang Café will be hosted by Angel Pena. Mark thanked Linda for working with Rich Ford to reschedule and avoid a conflict with the Duncan OK swap meet.
Duncan OK Swap Meet (Mark Wing): March 20-22 (Thursday to Saturday), Stevens County Fairgrounds. Mark reserved 4 spaces for club members in Building C. Accommodations at Fairfield Inn by Marriott.
Runners Ball Gala Fundraiser (Mark Wing) – Running 505 annual fundraiser (Speakeasy theme this year), April 12th at Rio Bravo Brewery (near 2nd Street) from 6:00 to 9:30 pm. Director Melanie Buchanan Farmer Invited club to participate. Mark declined because of safety concerns – it was a night activity with alcohol. He suggested the group check with the Model A club.
Break for Refreshments
Ford Models NRS and SR (Mark Wing) – Mark described how these earlier models differed from the Model T and exhibited an SR engine block and a variety of other parts
Raffle (Vaughn Rockefellow)
Adjournment at 8:10 pm
Respectfully submitted by David Ferro, Secretary