Ready for the start of the Corrales 4th of July Parade.
Car Show at Rich Ford, Edgewood, NM (Aug. 24th, 2013)

The Tin Lizzies were invited to show our cars at the annual anniversary celebration at the Rich Ford dealership in Edgewood, NM.  Prior to the show, club members assembled at Mark and Susan Wing’s house in the Albuquerque foothills for breakfast.  Joining the club members planning to go to Rich Ford were senior Tin Lizzie members Jim and Mary Jo McKinstry who live very close to the Wings.  The breakfast started at 7:30 and we were on our way to the east side of the Sandia Mountains by 8:45 am.  The older and slower way to get to Edgewood is via old Highway 66.  It’s a scenic drive and a good workout for our Model T’s.

Eight Tin Lizzies made it to the show.  The Azevedo’s brought their 1925 speedster; the Dominguez’s drove their 1927 touring car; Vern Harvey made the long drive from Truth or Consequences, NM to show his 1924 speedster; Don Mitchell had his 1927 Fordor; Dean Van Doren and Linda Riel brought Dean’s 1926 coupe “Katy”; the Willan’s drove their 1926 touring car; the Wing’s had their 1924 coupe; and making it debut at Rich Ford were among our newest club members, Dave Ferro and his wife Laura in their recently acquired 1918 depot hack.  Dave and Laura haven’t yet registered the depot hack, so they trailered their car there.  Joining the Willan’s were their friends and neighbors Paul and Janet who are Edgewood residents.

Showing that day also were the local Model A club, the “Pocos Quatros” or Little Fours.  We had to concede that their participation, with their 18 cars, was very impressive and left us in the dust.  But the State Fair car show is coming up next month and we typically have a good showing there so we’ll have to see if we can beat their car count next time!