Story by Paul & Marilyn Duncan: Photos by Paul Duncan & Sharon Dominguez
Tin Lizzies started gathering on Saturday, December 7, 2024 at Larry & Lorna Azevedo’s home in Corrales. Entering their driveway, we saw Larry’s ’23 Model T plumber’s truck fancifully decorated in white rope lights. Santa was sitting in the driver’s seat! Larry’s green ’12 touring was nearby and taped with strings of electric lights.
This year, the Holiday Party organizers decided to start the event at 2pm in the afternoon. Members with Model T’s who planned to drive in the Star Light Parade were decorating their T’s with holiday garlands, battery-operated electric lights and glow-rings. Parade drivers this year included Larry Azevedo, Paul & Marilyn Duncan, Sharron Geilenfeldt & Al Ahlrich, Mark & Susan Wing, Mark & Sharon Dominguez and Tim O’Brien. Lorna and her food preparation crew were finishing up in the kitchen. Fran Gurule and Linda Riel were organizing the food in the big barn. There were Christmas lights and the tables were decorated with red tablecloths, holiday centerpieces and red candles. Promptly at 2pm Larry announced that the meal was ready. Around 30 Tin Lizzies lined up at the workbench serving table.
After an hour, Larry stood up and was ready to begin the program. This year, Larry & Lorna had written an original Model T song titled “The Twelve Days of Christmas for a Model T’r.” There were song sheets at each table with numbered verses from the First to Twelfth Days of a Model T Christmas. The words all related to Model T parts: 1 Key for a Model T; 2 Turtle Decks; 3 Cotter Keys; 4 Rear Ends; 5 Piston Rings; 6 Starters Starting; 7 Wheel a Spinning; 8 Spark Plugs Sparking; 9 Coils Buzzing; 10 Springs a Springing; 11 Cranks a Cranking and finally, 12 Headlights Lighting. Larry recognized the 2024 Officers and Directors for their service with certificates. He also presented Paul & Marilyn with the 2024 President’s Award. The newly-elected 2025 Officers and Directors were sworn in with their hand on the “Ford Manual.” The oath ended with the words “So help me Henry Ford.” Then, Paul presented Larry with a signed “Thank You” card from the shop crew. After cleaning up, we all headed to our cars to put on the final holiday decor.
We left promptly at 5pm to assemble at the beginning of the parade route. Several Tin Lizzies and guests rode as passengers in the T’s including, Andy Andrews, Carolyn Ridley, Jackie Dalmatian, Kirk Peterson, Angel Peña and Lucien and Gabe del Heirro and his young son Oliver. The Model T lights sparkled brightly in the dark. We honked our horns and the firetrucks ran sirens and searchlights scanning the cheering crowd. We returned to the Azevedo barn before heading home earlier than in past years. Three T’s spent the night in the Azevedo’s barn and members picked picked them up the next day. “Special Thanks” to Lorna for organizing the dinner and to Larry for his work to get the big barn ready and decorated for the party!