Work Party at Larry’s Garage (July 21, 2018)

Story and photos by Mark Wing

Larry called for a work party on July 21st to install the recently repaired engine/transmission to Tony Schroeder’s 1925 Model T Fordor.  This is the car that had suffered transmission damage requiring repairs that included new triple gear pins, 2 replaced triple gears, new triple gear bushings, and replacement of a cracked piston oil ring.  Tony also took this opportunity to have new radiator hoses and clamps installed.

Joining us after a long absence was long-time Tin Lizzie member and great friend Russell Dilts, formerly of Rio Rancho, NM who now lives in Cottonwood, AZ.  Although an Arizona resident, Russell still has a Model T stored in Corrales (near Larry’s residence) for club activities when he and his wife Julie are in town.

Another out-of-state club member was at this work party – Duane Nicholson from Wisconsin.  Duane and Larry had installed the Tony Schroeder engine the day before the Saturday work party.  That the engine was already installed when the volunteers arrived was an unexpected surprise, but there was still work to do including reattachment of the steering column and drag link, front apron, installation of the radiator, and adjustments to the Model A carburetor.  Once these items were installed, and adjustments made to the bands, Tony and Larry took the Tudor out for a spin on Corrales Road.  The Tudor ran great and Tony was very happy with the results!