Club for Model T Ford Enthusiasts




Tin Lizzies Progressive Brunch

On April 10th the Tin Lizzies had a fantastic progressive brunch in lieu of the normal Tn'Vittles breakfast.  The first stop was the Schritter's at 10:30 am for appetizers. There was a great turnout and the appetizers were delicious.  The second stop was the Diltz's home for entrées.  Again, everyone ate very well and probably too much.  The final house was the Azevedo’s for a wide-array of tantalizing deserts.  The Tin Lizzies certainly know how to eat well!

Thanks to everyone who volunteered their cooking skills and hospitality - Susan Peterson, Barbara Wright, Susan Wing, Barbara Souther, and Betty Householder and the hostesses Lena, Julie, and Lorna.

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