Club for Model T Ford Enthusiasts




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 2011 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta

On Sunday, October 2nd, Betty Housholder arranged for the Tin Lizzies to show at the 2011 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta.  This event attracts hot air ballonists and tourists from around the world.  It's also the annual event that brings Albuquerque the most national and international attention.

The weather was perfect as the club members arrived before sunrise and parked near the Balloon Museum.  The location was behind a large arts and crafts tent, obscuring the Club members view of the balloons near the ground. We were later encouraged to move our thirteen cars to a better location a few hundred yards away to the north to make our cars more visible with the added benefit of improving our viewing angle of the balloons during lift-off.

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