Club for Model T Ford Enthusiasts




The Roy Young Memorial Library

Contact Mark Dominguez to check out materials from the library. Phone 899-5628 or  

  • A History of Ford by Marie Cahill
    Auto body Repair and Painting by Bill Taboldt 232 pgs.
    Automobile Quarterly
    Floyd Clymer’s Historical Motor Scrapbook 221 pgs.
    Ford Instruction Book T-4 Pollyprint press
    Ford Model “A” Album
    Ford Model “T” The Car That Put the World on Wheels .. Lindsay Brock
    Ford Owners Handbook T&A Clymer Publications 575 Pgs.
    Fordlandia  The Rise and Fall of Henry Fords Forgotten Jungle City
    Fordson Tractor Owner's Manual
    Fordson Tractor Parts Price List
    From Here To Obscurity by Ray Miller and Bruce McCalley 292 Pgs.
    Great American Race Yearbook 1991
    Great American Race Yearbook 1992
    Henry Ford and Grass-Roots America by Reynold M. Wik
    Henry Ford and The Jews
    Henry's Wonderful Model T  1908-1927 By Floyd Clymer
    How to Restore Your Collection Car by Tom Bromwell 318 Pgs.
    Model T Carb Guide. MTFCA Guide
    Model T Electrical System MTFCA Guide 47 pgs.
    Model T Ford “The Car That Changed the World” by Bruce McCalley
    Model T Ford Authentic Accessories 334 pages
    Model T Ford Engine Guide MTFCA Guide
    Model T Ford Front and Rear Axles  MTFCA Guide
    Model T Ford Owner by Murray Fahnestock 519 Pgs.
    Model T Ford Owner, Best of Murray Fahnstock 519 Pgs.
    Model t Ford Owners Guide to Touring by Don Ball 13 pgs.
    Model T Ford Service Bulletins essentials 500 Pgs.
    Model T Ford Service Manuel 296 pgs.
    Model T Ford Specs & Sizes for windshield and closed car glass. T-11 14 Pgs.
    Model T Instruction Book (Small Size) 45 Pgs.
    Model T Restoration Hand Book
    Model T Transmission Guide MTFCA Guide
    Morto News Feb 65 to Nov 65 and Jan 66
    MTFCA Membership Guide 2005 782 pgs.
    MTFCI Membership Directory 2003
    The Model t Ford Encyclopedia by Bruce McCalley 181 Pgs.
    The Ruckstell Axel by Bruce McCalley 12 pgs.
    The Ruckstell Axle MTFCA Manual
    The Vintage Auto Almanac, Hemmings Motor News 269 Pgs.
    The Worst Hard Time by Timothy Egan
    Tinker Tips #1 and #2 by Ted Aschmen
    Tire Facts about Early Model T Fords by Floyd Clymer
    VHS Tape
    Model T Coils Part 1,2,3  Generator 1
    Model T Generator Part 2 Starters, Gen and Cutouts
    Model T Telephone Vehicle
    The Great North American Race ESPN
    Blue Ray
    Kansas Tech Seminal
    Great Race 1995 Canada to Mexico City
    The Road is ours 100th Anniversary Celebration (2disc)
    The Model T Centennial T Party (2disc)
    Model T Ford Club Of America   "T" Tips DVD's
    Series 1
    1-1 Balancing Tires.        Using weights to balance the tires on your Model T 
    1-2 Model T Tires - I .    Types of tires used on Model T's tips on repairing how to mount a tire on a clincher rum.
    1-3 Model T Tires - II .   Building a tire mounting station; mounting tires on drop center-type and split rims; tools and tips on repairing rims
    1-4 The Model T Fuel Filter.   Restoring the different types of fuel filter; installing modern fuel line shut-off valves.
    1-5 Model T Bands.   Changing the Transmission band linings. Types of transmission bands and linings available; Inspecting and restoring bands; tips and tools needed
    Series 2
    2-2 Restoring the "T" Cutout.  Types, its function, testing, selecting, disassembly modernizing with a diode, assembly and testing.
    2-3 Front End Alignment.    Tools needed, special era tools used, how to align, front end inspection, proper caster, camber and toe-in, also tips on end alignment
    2-4 Restoring the "T" Transmission -I.    Disassembly tools need, cleaning, inspection, methods of checking for cracks plus tips and suggestions.
    2-5 Restoring the "T" Transmission -II.  Balancing, Tools and special jigs, re-assembly secrets, lubrication, repair techniques, old and new clutch plates.
    Series 3
    3-1 Model T Coils -I.  General overview of the evolution of the coil in the Model T Covers both the Ford-made coils as those produced for Ford by others manufacturers.
    3-2 Model T Coils -II.  Repair and rebuilding a coil; How it works. How to select a coil to rebuild. Tips and tricks of the coil rebuilding.
    3-3 Model T Coils-III. Adjusting coils, Installing new points. Testing coils. An overview of various coils testing machines available during Model T era.
    3-4 Restoring the Generator.   How it Works, repair and rebuild it. Tips for disassembly / assembly & equipment used in testing.
    3-5 Restoring the Starter. How it Works, test and rebuild the starter motor, Tips on eliminating oil leaks, removing and Installing.
    Series 4
    4-1 Electrical Overview.    An overall look at the progression of the Model T  electrical system form 1909 thru 1927
    4-2  Brush Plate Restoration.    A closer look at the brush plate restoration on the Model T starter and generator.
    4-3 Speedometer Restoration -I.   Starts with tips on selecting a used speedometer. Restoration techniques. A restoration of a Stewart- Warner Model 100 speedometer.
    4-4 Speedometer Restoration - II.    More restoration techniques as well as restoration of a Stewart-Warner Model 160 speedometer.
    4-5 Speedometer Restoration -III.  Additional restoration tips, how a speedometer works the proper running gear and installation.
    Series 5
    5-1 Restoration of the T Rear End - I   Covers the regular T rear axle as well as the Ruckstell axle.  Shows type types of housings used by the Model T trough they years, disassembly techniques, inspection tips and more.
    5-2 Restoration of the T Rear End - II   Continuation of the inspection techniques, axle rebuilding sources and tips.
    5-3  Restoration of the T Rear End - III   Restoration of the drive shaft, rear end re-assembly and adjustments tips.
    5-4  The Model T Radiator.  View each Model T radiator style from 1906-1927.  Tour the Brassworks manufacturing shop and learn how a radiator cools; causes of radiator failure; see how a radiator is built.
    5-5  Restoration of the Model T Manifold.   Don't throw away your bent manifold.  See how you can bring it back to original shape.
    Series 6
    6-1  Restoration of the Model T Fan.  Changes during production, restoring the fan & pulley, as well as proper riveting for the early fan.
    6-2  Cam Replacement.  Replace the cam without removing the engine.  Measuring techniques, timing, tips and more.
    6-3  Spoke Tightening.  Examines temporary & permanent fixes for loose spokes.  Ever see a T with aluminum spokes?  Includes handy, easy re-make tools and tips.
    6-4  Restoration of the Model T Steering Column.  Details changes from 1909-1927, types of steering wheels, how to disassemble and restore the column gear ratios, make a Torpedo column.  Special section on era accessories available for Model T.
    6-5  The Model T Frame.  Changes during production, what to look for in choosing a frame, how to check a frame for straightness, how to correct a bent frame, frame members, painting and more.
    Series 7
    7-1  How to Start and Drive a Model T.  Featuring Matt Foye; Learning the proper way to start and to safely drive a Model T.  Starting safety as well as driving tips.
    7-2  Model T Accessories.  Fred Houston shows us many of the era T accessories as well as a visit to the Smith collection where "Speedy" Bill Smith shows us some of his favorites.
    7-3  Chassis Alignment.  Milt Webb shows us methods to align the chassis so you will get the most out of your "T".  We also take a look at an air conditioned "T".
    7-4  Model T Safety.  Fred Houston takes us through some great safety tips from seat belts to the latest in signal lights for your T.
    7-5  Safety 2.  The MTFCA Safety Check List Matt Foye shows us the best way to use the check list to keep our "T's" in safe condition.
    Series 8
    8-1  Model T Fashions.  Melanie Patton shows us Model T era fashions.
    8-2  Metal Work 101.  Larry Azevedo demonstrates the basic equipment in making replacement parts for Model T restorations.
    8-3  Taking a Model T out of Mothballs  - I  Milt Webb shows just what to do to get a T running after many years of sitting in a barn.  In addition, he shows what should be done to make that T ready for durable touring.
    8-4  Taking a Model T out of Mothballs - II  More of Milt Webb's tips and demonstrations.

    8-5  Taking a Model T out of Mothballs - III  Milt Webb shows us more and we take a tour of two old Model T's that have been revived from being stored for long periods of time.

    List updated 5-14-12